Kunhalmok szerepe a biodiverzitás megőrzésében - új cikkünk
Megjelent Deák Balázs elsőszerzőségével legújabb áttekintő tanulmányunk a Biodiversity and Conservation című szakfolyóiratban. A cikk áttekinti a túlnyomóan sztyepp és erdős-sztyepp zónában található kurgánok szerepét a gyepvegetáció megőrzésében. A cikk egyike azon cikkeknek, melyek a közeljövőben a lapban megjelenő sztyeppkötet gerincét alkotják. A cikk megtekinthető a folyóirat honlapján, valamint letölthető a honlapomról is. A cikk összefoglalója az alábbiakban olvasható.
Cultural monuments and nature conservation: a review of the role of kurgans in the conservation and restoration of steppe vegetation
Deák B., Tóthmérész B., Valkó O., Sudnik-Wójcikowska B., Moysiyenko I. I., Bragina T. M., Apostolova I., Dembicz I., Bykov N. I., Török P.
Steppe is among the most endangered biomes of the world, especially in
Eastern Europe, where more than 90 % of original steppes have been
destroyed due to conversion into croplands, afforestation and other
human activities. Currently, steppe vegetation is often restricted to
places unsuitable for ploughing, such as ancient burial mounds called
kurgans. The aim of our study was to collect and synthesise existing
knowledge on kurgans by a review of research papers and grey literature.
The proportion of kurgans covered by steppe vegetation increases from
west to east and from lowlands to uplands. Despite their small size,
kurgans act as biodiversity hotspots and harbour many red-listed
species. High overall species richness and a high proportion of
grassland specialists are maintained by a pronounced fine-scale
environmental heterogeneity. The main factors threatening the
biodiversity of kurgans are intensified agriculture and construction
works. We conclude that kurgans can play a crucial role in preserving
steppe vegetation, especially in intensively used agricultural
landscapes in the western part of the steppe zone. Despite the vital
role of kurgans in sustaining steppe vegetation, we identified serious
knowledge gaps on their distribution, vegetation, flora and fauna and
their potential role in steppe restoration.
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