2017. május 15., hétfő

Szakmai kommentár a Sonkoly et al. (2017) JVS cikkre

Örömmel láttuk, hogy a korábbiakban ismertetett, most kötetbe került cikkünkre (Sonkoly et al. (2017): A new aspect of grassland vegetation dynamics: cyanobacterium colonies affect establishment success of plants. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 475-483.) érkezett egy szakmai kommentár, ami ugyanabban a kötetben jelent meg, amelybe a cikk került. 

A kétoldalas megjegyzésben - jóleső módon - igen elismerően nyilatkoztak megjelent cikkünkről és röviden összefoglalták azt, ami szerintük a cikk értéke (bevallom őszintén, nem mindegyikre gondoltunk :-)):

"The findings presented by Sonkoly et al. (2017) in this issue are a remarkable example of an integrated approach to investigate these complex ecological synergisms. Sonkoly et al. explored the biotic interaction between grassland plants and co-occurring cyanobacteria, a group of microorganisms usually found in alkali terrestrial habitats. Three aspects of this study are particularly worth noting. First, this study neatly demonstrates how the plant–microbe interactions have clear ramifications for the assembly of the grassland communities, implying that the absence of this information would leave a significant knowledge gap in understanding vegetation dynamics in this ecosystem. Second, the authors illuminate the importance of microbial interactions in applied ecological research. Indeed, their observation that among a panel of native plants, only the biomass of an invasive species, Hordeum jubatum, was negatively impacted by cyanotoxins hints at the possibility that cyanobacteria may also govern the resilience of the native plant community to invasion and may have potential application in controlling vegetation dynamics. Third, the authors implement a controlled experimental approach to test the hypothesis of a chemically mediated effect of cyanobacteria on plant assembly. By employing a relatively simple experimental design – using extracts to remove the physical impact of the cyanobacteria – the authors unravel the process underlying this complex biological interaction, providing a mechanistic explanation for the dynamics observed at the plant community level."

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