2019. március 7., csütörtök

IAVS Konferencia Brémában - szekciószervezés

Az idén a Nemzetközi Vegetációtudományi Társaság (IAVS) éves konferenciáját immár 62. alkalommal Brémában rendezi meg, 2019. július 14 és 19 között. A konferencia a vegetációökológiával és tágabban vett növényökológiával és vegetációtudománnyal foglalkozó kutatók legnagyobb nemzetközi seregszemléje. Az IAVS konferenciákon jellemzően számottevő a magyar jelenlét, a 40 fős vezetőségben is több magyar rendszeresen helyet kap. A vegetációtudományban aktívan kutatók számára érdemes lehet az IAVS-be belépni, hiszen a konferencia-részvételből jelentős -  a tagdíjat meghaladó kedvezményt kap regisztrációkor valamint pályázhat a főleg fiatal kutatókat megcélzó konferencia-részvételi támogatásra.

Fontosabb dátumok:

IAVS travel grant applications 24 March, 2019
End of regular abstract submission 24 March, 2019
Travel grant decisions announced ca 12 April, 2019
Decision letters on abstracts ca 12 April, 2019
Registration for workshops 15 April, 2019
Final date for early bird registration with reduced fees 10 May, 2019
Final date for standard registration 25 June, 2019

További információk és regisztráció a konferencia honlapján.

Aki tervezi a részvételt a témakörökbe illő kutatása és összefoglalója alapján az fontolja meg, hogy az összefoglalóját az alábbi magyar részvétellel szervezett szekciók valamelyikébe küldje be:

9) Plant reproduction and dispersal: A trait-based approach Traits related to dispersal processes in space and time (i.e., seed production, seed dispersal, persistence of generative propagules, dormancy and germination) are fundamental in determining how species pools assemble as a result of ecological filtering. Thus, studying these traits is crucial to understanding the maintenance of plant communities and biodiversity in general. There is a current trend of estimating / assessing the dispersal ability, persistence or germination characteristics of seeds based on functional traits such as seed size and shape, buoyancy, terminal velocity etc., but a clear link between the theoretical predictions / considerations and the results of experimental and observational studies is still missing. This special session aims at discussing the role of different functional traits in the dispersal, persistence and early establishment of plant species in various ecosystems, which provide important insights into vegetation dynamics and the maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Thus, any trait-based analyses of processes related to plant reproduction, dispersal and regeneration are welcome in the session. 

 (organized by Leonid Rasran, Péter Török & Judit Sonkoly)

10) Patterns, drivers, and conservation opportunities of grassland biodiversity: Grasslands cover nearly 30% of all terrestrial surface, including diverse habitat types ranging from wet muddy slacks in lowlands to harsh rocky habitats in alpine environments. Grasslands harbor an extremely rich biodiversity, which is comparable at small scale to the richness of Atlantic rain forests. Grasslands provide essential ecosystem services and goods and, contributing with 70% to all agricultural land, sustain the livelihood of about 2 billion people worldwide. Grasslands face multiple threats, including area loss, altered management by intensification or the cessation of former management as the most important drivers of change. Describing biodiversity patterns and understanding key processes sustaining grassland biodiversity is essential for an effective conservation and restoration. The Eurasian Grassland Group (EDGG) is an official working group of the IAVS and aims to facilitate and coordinate grassland research and conservation in the Palaearctic Biogeographic Realm. With this special session we would like to draw attention to the latest advancements in grassland research, and facilitate the scientific communication of researchers working with different types of grasslands worldwide.

(organized by Didem Ambarli, Riccardo Guarrino, Alla Aleksanyan & Péter Török)

11) Using plant traits for the recovery of ecosystem functions and services: Trait-based ecosystem engineering?: For an effective restoration it is vital to know which mechanisms govern compositional and functional changes during the restoration process. Thus, the greatest challenge of ecological restoration is to restore healthy and functioning ecosystems resembling the restoration target. Ecosystem functions are well reflected in changes of functional trait composition, and the application of trait-based ecological theories and models may be especially useful in supporting practical restoration. It is crucial to test the explanatory power of plant traits from the point of view of usefulness during restoration actions, and it is also necessary for the development of predictive and general plant trait models. The planned innovative session focuses on functional plant traits and the possibilities of its application in conservation and restoration practice. Trait-based conservation and restoration actions may increase the success of conservation projects, and trait-based ecology may enable improved predictions of how plant communities respond to altered environmental conditions. To develop functional ecosystems promoting biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services related to restoration actions, we need the support of trait-based ecological theory.

(organized by Béla Tóthmérész & Péter Török)

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